About Me

Hi there, I'm Angelu, a graduating Computer Engineering student from Mapúa University.

At the moment, I work as a Fullstack Software Engineer - Associate at Manulife Philippines. I'm about to use various techstack for this role, but Python and Django will always hold a special place in my heart, as it was this duo that first piqued my interest in this field in the first place. I dabbled in a variety of fields, from graphic design to marketing to even opening up my own smol business, before finally settling on web development as my primary focus and with a long term career goal in mind. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I'm really glad that I've chosen this field because I enjoy what I do and it pushes me to strive and improve each day.

Thanks for stopping by; I'm glad you did. Just send me a message if you wanna reach out!

Latest Personal Projects

It's not much, but it's honest work!

Pet projects I made to play with things I'm interested in.



View Code

An auction site that allows users to post auction listings, place bids, add comments, and add listings to a “watchlist.” I used Python and Django framework for the backend, SQLite as database and a little bit of Bootstrap4 for responsive design.



View Code

This is a Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia using Python and Django framework. Markdown, a lighter-weight human-friendly markup language, was used in this project to store encyclopedia entries. This is an example of a CRUD operation without using a database and my very first project right after learning Django and Python itself.

Web Portfolio version 1


View Live

First version of my portfolio. Made using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4 and a little bit of Jquery for interactivity.

Design Project


Compilation of my design projects.


What I've been up to these past few years:

Not quite sure either...

  1. Software Engineer Intern

    June 2021 - Aug 2021 (Questronix Corporation)

    I had to complete my degree, so I went ahead and took the required OJT course and landed this internship program. Since this is not a paid internship, I used this opportunity to focus on learning React JS, which I'd always wanted to learn. I also finally understood how agile methodologies work, because there's something about reading it on paper that just doesn't make sense to me, and now it's crystal clear. I'm so glad I ended up at this company, specifically in the Emerging Technologies department. I really enjoyed my stay and I learned a lot from my seniors, who are very approachable and supportive of us interns.

  2. Wordpress Developer Intern

    October 2020 - December 2020 (Online Philippines)

    I was curious if this role was the one for me, so I applied for this paid internship to test the waters. For this role, I mostly did web design works. If you're used to building websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the low-code/no-code environment can be a bit frustrating to use. This role is ok but it's not something I particularly enjoyed.

  3. The Live Selling Phase

    January 2020 - March 2020

    I wish my shop name had a dramatic backstory (shopee: glamourtag), but no, it was generated at random by a shop-name-generator website. At the time, I had only 9 units left at university and...So... yes, I did open an online shop because I had a lot of free time. I started doing live selling to unhaul some of my items, but before I knew it, I was buying Korean bales and doing live selling on Shopee full-time. I had a lot of fun doing this. I got some repeat customers and even got a preffered badge for my shop. Apparently, I had to halt this operation because Metro Manila was about to go into lockdown, and it would be impossible to continue in the province. I live in the middle of nowhere, and we can only access fast internet in our dreams. Update: Fiber optic connection was just installed last month (Oct 2021) in our area.

  4. Virtual Assistant

    September 2019 - March 2020

    This was a time when I needed money, so I looked for another side hustle. Even though my price range was among the lowest at the time, it was still difficult to find clients because I lacked ratings and experience as a virtual assistant. I did watch some youtube tutorial vids, but that was it. My graphic design profile ratings aided in locating clients for this one. To be honest, I did not enjoy this gig, but it was tolerable, the pay was adequate, and it met my financial needs at the time.

  5. Board Member

    August 2019 - August 2020 (IEEE - MUSB)

    Aside from being the decision making personnel, as a member of the Board of Directors, I was in charge of ensuring that everything adhered to the organization's standards and values. This role is a great learning experience for me as this was most likely the most challenging role I landed during my college-club-phase years.

  6. Creative Committee Editor

    February 2019 - May 2019 (Mapua - Central Student Council )

    I was paired up with a group of MAS Graphic Design students. They're really good, and just watching their designs taught me a lot. They mostly worked on posters, especially for Frosh Week and the Mapua Anniversary. I only designed the posters for the smaller events.

  7. Creative Committee Editor

    October 2018 - May 2019 (EECE Student Council)

    Because this is the EECE department, the majority of the creative editors here are also taking up Computer Engineering, but with a side interest in graphic design. I had the opportunity to edit posters and tickets for major and minor events, and I was also one of the people behind the camera at the EECE events. That was a lot of fun for me, especially the picture-taking part. I also received free admission to all events, which was convenient when I needed extra academic credits.

  8. Publicity Committee Head

    June 2018 - April 2019 (IEEE - MUSB)

    This was probably my favorite extra curricular during my college years. I was in charge of editing the event posters and videos, and I got to lead and work with 8 other creative people, which was a lot of fun. We were only doing our work on our own research and sharing what we knew because we haven't really taken any legitimate creative design courses. It appears to have worked, as we were still able to produce incredible results despite the fact that we were all from the engineering department.

  9. Assistant Electrical Engineer Coordinator

    March 2018 - May 2018 (IEEE - MUSB)

    While in this role, I took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about prototyping because most of my colleagues in this department are really good at arduino and robotics in general. It's always nice to pick up a few tips and tricks here and there.

  10. Membership Committee Head

    June 2017 - December 2017 (JPCS - Mapua)

    This was my first attempt at *stepping outside of my comfort zone*. Definitive summary about me: A shy and awkward person. That's why this role, as the organization's frontman in dealing with new applicants and members, was a BIG DEAL for me. Officers were elected via the members' votes. Although there were others who were more deserving for this role, such as people who are naturally outgoing, they still gave me a chance, which I greatly appreciated. I really admire this organization for its welcoming and feel-at-home atmosphere.

  11. Freelance Graphic Designer

    April 2016 - Somewhere along in 2020

    Before college, one of my hobbies was to play around with Adobe Photoshop. My relatives' official designer was me. I'm the guy to call when someone is getting married and needs an invitation layout, or when someone needs a poster for their 18th birthday. Years later, I finally figured out how to monetize that side skill via the internet. I began with Fiverr, and the majority of my clients were self-published authors. I designed the covers and illustrated some of their books and e-books. Around 2019, I joined Upwork, and the majority of my clients are business owners who asked me to edit banners and logos for their business. From time to time, I still get requests from relatives and friends that I may or may not have been compensated for.

My skills will grow and so will this portfolio.

- Einstein, probably

Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.

- Albert Einstein (but for real this time)

Everything will be ok in the end.
If it's not ok, it's not the end.

- a quote that still lives in my head rent-free since 2014

We accept the love we think we deserve.

- a quote from my favorite book


What I recently used:



Frameworks and Libraries


